Over the past year, SOFSA had the privilege of co-hosting an Americorps VISTA in partnership with Field & Fork Network. Our VISTA, Chloe Cabrera, focused her energy on increasing sign-ups for the Double Up Food Bucks program in Syracuse, and expanding the program to new locations. On Thursday, November 16th, 2023, leaders gathered from around the city of Syracuse to celebrate the launch of the Double Up Food Bucks program at Toomey Abbott Market. Toomey Abbott Market, located at 1213 Almond St, is located in the ground floor of Toomey Abbott towers. These apartments house many low-income, disabled, and elderly residents. The market is also within close distance of Pioneer Homes. Within one month, Toomey Abbott Market has already secured over 20 sign-ups, and quadrupled the size of its produce display. Read more from WAER, Urban CNY News, and CNY Central below.

SOFSA Director Maura Ackerman speaks on the importance of this program at Toomey Abbott Market.



“By incentivizing the purchase of fruits and vegetables, we’re supporting local farmers and food producers and creating positive economic impact that ripples through our neighborhoods and our region’s food system.”

– Maura Ackerman, SOFSA Director